Datesort ascending Topic Info Type Description
09/13/2016 Viacom, others reach deal after NY AG child privacy probe News

Viacom, Mattel, Hasbro, and JumpStart have agreed to fines and penalties and to implement reforms after an investigation revealed that their websites aimed at children permitted illegal tracking of online activity.

09/09/2016 Do Consumers have the right to opt out of advertising? News

Link to article: 

09/09/2016 FTC Chair threatens action on "ransomware" holes News

Link to article (subscription required): http://www.law360.c

09/01/2016 Slides for September 8 Full Group call: Preparing for the GDPR News

James Koons of Dotmailer reviews how ESPs and others should be preparing for the GDPR.

Slides attached.

09/01/2016 CRTC and Kellogg Canada, Inc. settle alleged CASL violation News

Kellogg Canada and Canadian CRTC reach settlement on alleged CASL violation stemming from third party service providers activities.

08/30/2016 9th Circuit holds FTC has no jurisdiction over AT&T because of its status as a common carrier News

PDF of decision attached.

08/30/2016 The most absurd Internet privacy class-action settlement ever News

A decision has been handed down regarding lawsuit targeting Yahoo's practices of scanning emails for targeted ad purposes. The suit requires that Yahoo scan mail while it is at rest, rather than in transit. The decision also awards lawyers fees.

08/24/2016 Brexit won't shift UK privacy law in the short-term News

Privacy analysts don't expect UK privacy law to change in the short-term as the UK works through a possible EU exit.

Summary attached.

08/23/2016 CA considering data security, geolocation rules News

CA is considering revising state law to include consumer biometric and geolocation data.

08/22/2016 FTC Chair comments at Tech Policy Institute Aspen Forum News

FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez spoke at the Technology Policy Institute Aspen Forum. Of note, Ramirez noted a shift in defintion of personally identifiable information to include persistent identifiers.
